A Recommended Way to Have Fun Playing Online Poker

Going to the casino might be a good option to get some entertainments since there are so many popular gambling games we can find at the casinos. Today with the internet technology we don’t have to bother wasting our time to drive to the casinos just to play the casino games since we can find all those casino games in the virtual world. There are so many online casinos we can find in the internet so it might be tough for us to select the best online casino to play the casino games.

If you’re a person who loves to play poker and needs to find the best place to play poker online then you’re recommended to visit 777.com. this website represents an online source that provides you all complete information about online casinos specifically about online poker. When you visit this website then you can easily find a list of top online casinos which have been carefully selected due to their ability to provide excellent features to play online poker.

This website also recommends you the Pacific Poker as the great place to play poker online. This website also gives you a chance to download the game software so you can practice and improve your gambling skills at home.

Creating the Right Exit Signs to Save People and Your Budget

We all know that security and safety are the most important factors for a building. No matter how big or small a building we have it must have some security and safety signs that represent the instruction to conduct some emergency actions in order to keep the people in the building safe and secured. The safety signs should be simple and can be understood by simply anyone.

When we want to create a sign it’s also important to consider choosing the right type of font sizes and styles. Clear signs with appropriate sizes might be highly suggested so people can easily read them and follow the instructions. Placements of the signs should also be another important thing we should consider seriously. Signs should be places in open areas where people can easily find and read it.

One most important safety signs that a building should have is the exit signs. The exit signs help to give people directions where they must go and seek for helps or safety places at the emergency situation. If you own a building such as a department store, office or an apartment and you’re looking for the best place to know more about the importance of EXIT SIGNS then you’re suggested to visit Energystar.gov. This website gives you information about the standard electricity power which is at least 5 watts for a single face of an exit sign.

When you visit this website then you can also find a table consists of product specification for the exit signs that might be appropriate for your building. No matter which locations you’d like to place your Exit Sign at this website can give you advices about the right exit signs specifications you need. Please kindly visit this website to learn more about the tips and other detailed information.

Get Unique Mailboxes For Decorate Your Luxury Home

The beauty of a house can be seen from how to organize the house. Many different kinds of models and forms Furniture can decorate the house your luxury home. Maybe you always feel interested in buying expensive furniture, unique and classy offered by the shops that sell interior design so your house will look more luxurious. Various housing and Apartment Mailboxes are required by the owner of the house. When the house owner was away or not at home mailboxes can help home owners to save a letter from the sender. Due to the existence of the mailbox in front of the house, this will make homeowners more comfortable, so that the letter being not damaged or wet.

Mailbox sold with a variety of brands, prices varied. According on the size, style and design, the design Mailbox owned by the owner of this house reflects the personality of the owner of the house. Style of mailbox was designed by experts with experience.

For further example, Mail boxes can be ordered in accordance with the model of what is desired by the owner of the house. They will see examples of images from the picture box in interior design magazines, the Internet and from the sketches and their own designs. Mailbox was not just hanging in front of the fence or at the door only. But there are also a variety of Mailboxes that can be pinned on the wall. In accordance with the times, the mailbox is not only working to save the letter. But the mailbox is used to decorate your home. From simple shapes to the unique shape also available. One of example is the wall mount mailbox. If you are interested have a a Wall mount mailbox, maybe from this style of mailbox can decorate your luxury home.

Tidak Adanya Pembayaran Dari PM

Setelah menunggu hampir dua bulan lamanya ternyata dikau tak datang juga , aku mulai bertanya kesana-kemari untuk mencari informasi mengenai dirimu. Ternyata apa yang kudapatkan ? sungguh diluar dugaan engkau telah merubah peraturan yang sudah pernah dipromosikan sebelumnya.

Memang benar engkau berhak merubah peraturan apapun isi peraturan itu dan kapanpun itu akan berlaku, tetapi alangkah bijaknya jika engkau mempertimbangkan member yang sudah di approved sebelumnya dan sudah berjasa memperkenalkan engkau pada dunia sehingga logo mu terpampang di homepage blog-blog yang mempunyai peringkat baik.

Itulah sekelumit curhatku tentang kiriman dollar dari perfect money yang tak kunjung datang. Ternyata perfect money sudah tidak membayar membernya yang mendaftar dengan domain gratisan seperti blogspot dan wordpress dan lagi walaupun sudah domain berbayar seperti dot com dll minimal harus mempunyai PR3 maka blog kita akan di approved dan siap mendulang dollar gratis dari perfect money.

Sudah hampir dua bulan blog simple ini memasang logo PM, namun ternyata sampai saat ini belum pernah ada pembayaran atas reward yang diberikan untuk blog simple ini. Akhirnya dengan berat hati kulepas logo mu dari blog ini dan ku ucapkan I am sorry good bye.

Tips Cara Cepat Menjadi Kaya

Belakangan ini banyak sekali nemuin website-website yang menjual mimpi atau lebih tepatnya menjual tips cara cepat menjadi kaya, yang menawarkan penghasilan fantastis dalam waktu singkat. Bentuknya “one page sales letter” atau website yang panjang banget sampai ke bawah, isinya dari keunggulan produk, testimoni yang banyak, dan promosi diskon harga.

Ya, promosi diskon harga yang kalau kita beli sebelum tanggal atau waktu tertentu, harganya didiskon gede-gedean. Padahal kalo kita balik lagi ke website itu sesudah waktu diskonnya habis, eh.. masih diskon lho.. diperpanjang! Kalo kata saya sih itu diperpanjang selamanya. Tinggal pake script yang gampang banget, di website itu tanggal habis diskonnya akan di-update terus.

Semua website itu menawarkan potensi penghasilan yang fantastis, seperti bagaimana caranya si pemilik website mendapatkan penghasilan ribuan dollar hanya dalam waktu satu bulan. Bentuknya selalu e-book. Dan kebanyakan adalah tentang affiliate marketing. Ada juga yang jual tentang bagaimana dapat duit dari blogging, adsense, eBay dll.

Judul diatas sebenarnya bukan untuk memberi tips bagaimana cara cepat menjadi, tetapi disini saya ingin menekankan jangan mau tertipu dengan program-program yang hanya menjual mimpi-mimpi nan indah tapi semu, kan lebih baik makan singkong dalam kenyataan daripada makan duren dalam khayalan. Semua impian indah akan dapat terwujud dengan kerja keras, tidak gampang berputus asa, selalu mencari ilmu baru tuk mendukung kompetisi bisnis yang kian sempit, fokus pada bidang yang tekuni, senantiasa berdo'a, perbanyak sedekah dan lain sebagainya.

Sebenarnya mereka tidak menipu, informasi yang diberikan dalam e-book itu kalau dijalankan mungkin memang bisa memberikan penghasilan yang lumayan, tapi bukan serta merta hasilnya melimpah dalam waktu singkat. Prosesnya pasti sangat panjang apalagi bagi anda yang masih awam bisnis internet pastinya harus benar-benar membaca dan memahami system dan cara kerja yang ada dalam e-book tersebut.

Intinya, jangan mudah terbuai oleh website-website yang menawarkan janji-janji indah dapat duit dalam jumlah besar dalam waktu singkat. Musti dicermati dulu. Atau paling tidak dapat testimoni dari orang yang dapat kita percaya. Para master bisnis online yang sudah mendapatkan passive income ribuan dollar dari internet seperti mas Cosa Arandra, mas Tony, Mas Wendy, Kang Wahyu, mas Eko dll. Semuanya pasti mengawali bisnisnya dengan dengan susah payah bukan semudah membalikkan telapak tangan.

Mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan, saya hanyalah manusia yang senantiasa melakukan kekhilafan, karena kebenaran hanyalah milik Allah semata. Semoga bermanfaat.

(gambar diambil dari http://media-ide.bajingloncat.com)

Pola Hidup Yang Bisa Merusak Otak

Ternyata tanpa disadari pola hidup yang tidak teratur dapat mengganggu dan merusak cara kerja otak manusia. Suka atau tidak suka pola hidup gaya modern sudah menjadi trend masa kini dan menjamur dimana-mana tidak terkecuali masyarakat menengah ke bawah yang notabene banyak bermukim di kota metropolitan seperti jakarta ibukota tercinta. Pada artikel kali ini saya akan sedikit memberikan contoh pola hidup tidak teratur yang dapat mempengaruhi cara kerja otak sehingga mengurangi produktivitas kerja sehari-hari.

Jarang berkomunikasi
Komunikasi diperlukan sebagai salah satu sarana memacu kemampuan kerja otak. Berkomunikasi secara intelektual dapat memicu efisiensi otak. Jarangnya berkomunikasi akan menyebabkan kemampuan intelektual otak jadi kurang terlatih.

Menutup kepala saat tidur
Kebiasaan tidur dengan menutup kepala meningkatkan konsentrasi zat karbondioksida dan menurunkan konsentrasi oksigen yang dapat menimbulkan efek kerusakan pada otak.

Polusi Udara
Otak adalah konsumen oksigen terbesar dalam tubuh manusia. Menghirup udara yang berpolusi menurunkan suplai oksigen ke otak sehingga dapat menurunkan efisiensi otak. Dan ini juga yang sering kita rasakan di kota metropilitan kita tercinta, polusi yang kian meningkat dari tahun ke tahun.

Zat dalam rokok yang terhisap akan mengakibatkan penyusutan otak secara cepat, serta dapat mengakibatkan penyakit Alzheimer. Walaupun sudah ada undang-undang tentang larangan merokok di tempat umum, tapi tetap saja masih banyak orang yang dengan santainya merokok di sembarang tempat tanpa merasakan bahwa dia sudah mendzolimi orang yang ada di sekitarnya (walaupun saya perokok, tapi masih punya etika untuk merokok di tempat yang sudah disediakan ceileeeeee...).

Tidak Sarapan Pagi
Mereka yang tidak mengkonsumsi sarapan pagi memiliki kadar gula darah yang rendah, yang akibatnya suplai nutrisi ke otak menjadi kurang. Sarapan pagi diperlukan untuk menghasilkan cara kerja otak yang optimal terutama bagi anak-anak usia sekolah dan juga orang-orang yang dibutuhkan ide dan gagasannya dalam bekerja.

Makan Terlalu Banyak
Terlalu banyak makan, apalagi yang kadar lemaknya tinggi, dapat berakibat mengerasnya pembuluh darah otak karena penimbunan lemak pada dinding dalam pembuluh darah. Akibatnya kemampuan kerja otak akan menurun. Jadi inget sabda Nabi SAW "Berhentilah makan sebelum kenyang".

Semoga Bermanfaat bagi saya dan para pembaca sekalian.

Pemadaman Listrik Yang Tak Kunjung Padam

Sudah lebih dari satu bulan ini wilayah Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi), juga beberapa daerah di Jawa Barat, mengalami pemadaman listrik secara bergilir dari PLN. Pemadaman listrik juga terjadi di sejumlah daerah di Jawa Tengah dan Timur, termasuk di Luar Jawa.

Menurut kabar yang beredar, pemadaman listrik bergilir ini baru akan berakhir akhir Desember 2009. Tentu pemadaman listrik bergilir ini sangat menganggu aktivitas masyarakat, selain menimbulkan kerugian, terutama yang dialami industri, yang ditaksir mencapai miliaran rupiah.

PLN menyatakan bahwa pemadaman terus terjadi akibat pembangunan sistem ketenagalistrikan di Indonesia terkendala sejumlah hambatan teknis dan finansial. “Karena kemampuan dana internal PLN sangat rendah dan juga konsekuensi kebijakan Tarif Dasar Listrik (TDL) yang tidak mengalami kenaikan sejak tahun 2003,” tutur Direktur Utama PLN, Fachmi Mochtar, saat Rapat Dengan Pendapat dengan Komisi VII DPR (Republika, 17/11/2009).

Pemadaman listrik yang kerap terjadi adalah bagian dari krisis listrik yang selama ini dialami Indonesia. Sebabnya, paling tidak, ada dua.

Pertama: faktor teknis. Secara teknis saat ini memang terjadi kerusakan yang menimpa sejumlah gardu induk PLN, seperti di kawasan Jakarta Timur karena terbakar pada tanggal 29 September 2009; juga terbakarnya sebuah trafo yang dimiliki Gardu Induk Tegangan Tinggi Cawang.

Kedua: faktor finansial. Faktor teknis di atas tentu tidak lepas dari faktor finansial. Faktor ini juga diakui PLN. Di sisi transmisi, misalnya, banyak jaringan dan alat-alat PLN yang sudah tua karena tiadanya biaya investasi sehingga harus dilakukan overhaul yang akhirnya merugikan masyarakat banyak dengan pemadaman listrik tersebut. Teknologi listrik termasuk teknologi tinggi. Banyak alat-alat yang masih harus diimpor dan harganya mahal. Padahal APBN terbatas (HTI). Semoga Krisis energi listrik cepat berlalu dan kita berharap tidak ada lagi byar..pet, byar..pet di tahun depan.

Menunggu Pembayaran Dari Perfect Money

Perkembangan bisnis di dunia maya sudah sedemikian maraknya untuk bermacam-macam transaksi dapat di lakukan secara online tanpa mengenal tempat dan waktu, siang ataupun malam, hari kerja ataupun hari libur. Ada banyak cara pembayaran yang dapat dilakukan untuk transaksi di dunia maya antara lain dengan paypal, alertpay, liberty reserve, perfect money dan lain-lain. Kali ini saya ingin berbagi pengalaman bisnis tentang perfect money yang ternyata benar-benar membayar membernya yang sudah memasang logo perfect money di blog yang mempunyai minimal page rank 2, bagi kamu yang belum tahu tentang cara memasang logo perfect money silahkan baca disini , Lumayan simple kok cara memasangnya.

Perfect money adalah sebuah bank wire yang ada di dunia internet sama halnya dengan paypal yang dapat digunakan untuk bertransaksi secara online. Nilai plusnya bagi blogger mattre (baca = blogger yang mencari tambahan dari bisnis online) seperti saya yaitu : Perfect money akan membayar membernya yang mempunyai blog minimal PR2 dan perhitungan pendapatannya PR X $10, jadi jika anda memiliki blog yang ber PR2 maka anda akan mendapatkan $20 perbulan atau $30 untuk PR3 dan seterusnya. Kamu tertarik ? Klik disini untuk daftar.

Untuk pembayarannya akan di perhitungkan dari mulai kamu mendapatkan email confirmasi dari admin PM ( ya iyalah... masa dari admin google ). Contoh email persetujuan PM for bussines "This is to inform that your application to Perfect Money for Business loyality programms has been approved.

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Jika email tersebut sudah anda terima jangan buang waktu lagi langsung deh pasang bannernya PM dan kirim surat internal ke bagian Priority Support Department bahwa anda sudah memasang logo PM diblog anda (suratnya dikirim dalam bahasa inggris). Setelah semuanya selesai tunggulah sebulan kemudian dan semoga perfect money akan membayar anda seperti yang sudah pernah saya dapatkan. Lalu bagaimana cara mencairkan dollar dari perfect money ? baca artikelnya disana

Kalau tidak ada halangan tanggal 10 November 2009 blog saya yang ini akan menerima pembayaran pertamanya setelah sebulan memasang bannernya PM, tapi kalo dari blog yang disana Alhamdulillah saya sudah mendapatkan 2 kali pembayaran dengan perhitungan PR3, sangat berarti bagi saya karena bisa digunakan untuk bayar iuran listrik dan internet.

Mau lebih jelas tentang Perfect Money baca disana

LinkFromBlog Generasi Baru PTR

Nambah lagi nih koleksi program bisnis di internet penghasil dollar recehan yah... meskipun recehan kalo di lakukan secara rutin mudah-mudahan hasilnya bisa memuaskan. Mungkin bagi netter yang sudah senior dan banyak koleksi penghasil recehannya program ini bisa di bilang kelas teri karena jika anda tidak aktif, maka kesempatan untuk payout akan semakin lama.

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Kemarin aku dah daftar di linkfromblog
Apa itu linkfromblog ?Merupakan sebuah program yang membayar kita sebagai blogger atau publisher atas jasa membuat review sebuah produk, singkat kata linkfromblog adalah sebuah PTR baru. PTR adalah program bisnis online dimana pemilik situs (blogger) dapat memperoleh penghasilan dari membuat posting review tentang produk (barang/jasa) tertentu. Pemilik produk tersebut biasa disebut dengan Advertiser.

Mengapa judul diatas di sebut Generasi PTR Baru ? karena Link From Blog memiliki persyaratan yang sangat mudah. Anda bisa mendaftarkan blog ber-bahasa Indonesia, bahkan gosipnya blog PR 0 pun bisa didaftarkan ke PTR ini. Bagi anda yang senang berburu dollar dari internet tak ada salahnya untuk mencoba daftar dan menantikan datangnya sang dollar idaman hati. Anda tetarik silahkan kunjungi websitenya DISINI

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Are You Looking For Motorcycle Insurance?

It is usually a good idea to carry at least liability insurance on your motorcycle in case you have an accident injuring another person considering the increasing numbers of accidents and fatalities for motorcycle drivers over the past few years. Getting insurance for your motorcycle is important no matter what make or model it is, however, if you have a custom build bike, finding insurance can be a little harder to come by.

Many auto insurance providers do not offer custom insurance policies for bike insurance that have no documented value. Having quality insurance coverage is important no matter what kind of vehicle you drive, but if you have a custom made motorcycle, make sure you talk your coverage over with an insurance agent in order to ensure you have enough coverage and that it is all needed. You don’t want to pay for coverage you don’t need.

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A Special Gift For The Winter

last week I received a message from my friend, he told me many things about his experience living in Brisbane Australia, especially about the winter that lasted longer than before. He also said that his youngest daughter next week will celebrate the 15th anniversary. I was invited to attend the birthday celebration because I was so close to his family. Unfortunately next week I had to attend important meetings which related to my job. After confused what to do, finally I get the idea to give a special gift for his daughter.

I decided to give shoes ugg boots that might be useful in the winter this year. When I was surfing around, I stopped in ugg-mall.com. The website offer ugg boots sale for kids and also various type with low price and friendly customer service.

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Wedding Plants For Your Friend

These days I feel confused because next week my best friend will be celebrating her wedding, unfortunately on the same day I had to go to foreign countries to carry out a task that can not be postponed. after I thought, finally i decided to give a beautiful wedding flowers and colorful in accordance theme party with beautiful and luxurious.

As I was walking around, I dropped in a good website which sale many various of plants. While I was looking for a wedding flower I found many variety of beautiful plants colorful. The websites also have many variety of plants for various needs such as for birthdays, congratulations, thanksgiving, new baby, love, romance and more.

Wedding Plant is a good grower, has attractive foliage and is free flowering. The long-lasting blooms are pretty, have a wonderful fragrance and make fine cut flowers. If you want to looking for some flowers or plants don't forget to visit linked words above.

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CPA stands for Cost per Action. Generally speaking publishers that own trafficked web sites are paid by the advertiser when a visitor performs a specific action. These actions can vary, but usually include either viewing a site, filling out a form to join a social media agency or to receive information which is sometimes referred to generating leads or list building and/or buying a product.

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Haircare And Fashion Items For Sale

Any body, who knows about High-End hair care will tell you that it is almost impossible to find most of the top brand products like Kerastase, Bumble and bumble, Paul Mitchell, Redken and many others all in one place. Most of these products are not available in retail stores and can be only purchased at the authorized salon, where the prices are a lot higher due to their overhead.

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Unforgetable Holiday

Our family vacation, which start next Saturday, finally concluded this past Sunday at 7:00 PM And we decided to visit London. Holidays should be fun and relaxing. That’s why we take them, To get away from the stress of work and home it is important that we all schedule a week or so every year. Unfortunately, sometimes what is planned as a stress-free holiday can easily turn into a stress-filled nightmare.

In London we have booked at Hotel Russell is located at Russell Square London England, WC1B 5BE. Russell Hotel Offering a good position, the Hotel Russell London with its comfortable accommodation and excellent services welcomes all types of holidaymakers for a pleasant and tranquil stay.

Hotel Russell London is just opposite Russell Square underground station with its excellent connections to all parts of London. In addition, this property is also close to the British Museum, Buckingham Palace, St Paul's Cathedral, the London Eye, Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament and many others that the lovely city has got to offer.

Now grab some brochures from your local travel agent, pick up a few guide books and get your unforgetable holiday to stay overnight at Hotel Russel London or simple step to get more information just visit www.principal-hayley.com

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Agen Bola Online yang Terpercaya

Perkembangan technologi saat ini sudah sedemikian canggih, apapun yang terjadi di belahan bumi manapun selalu dapat diketahui oleh kita dengan akurat dan cermat. Begitupun dengan event-event sepakbola yang pastinya mempunyai penonton setia di setiap negara. Seperti layaknya di Indonesia yang mempunyai jutaan orang penonton setia sepakbola mereka rela bangun tengah malam hanya untuk menonton pertandingan-pertandingan sepakbola yang diadakan oleh negara-negara eropa yang memang memiliki permainan yang cantik dan menarik, tapi tahukah anda kalau tradisi menonton sepakbola tersebut bisa menghasilkan uang ?

Bagi sebagian orang yang memang senang dengan taruhan, pertandingan sepakbola merupakan ajang taruhan yang menyenangkan dan mendatangkan uang. Bukan hanya di dunia nyata, di dunia onlinepun anda bisa mengikuti taruhan secara online. banyak agentbola yang menyediakan jasa layanan online untuk taruhan sepakbola.

AgenBola adalah penyedia layanan pembuatan account untuk keperluan taruhan bola, bola tangkas dan lain-lain. Bukan hanya itu agenbola pun menyediakan produk antara lain : 338A, 88tangkas, sbobet, tangkasnet dan ibcbet. Agenbola hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para bettors di dunia Betting online Indonesia. Segera bergabung bersama Agenbola.com dan anda akan merasa senang bahwa Anda berurusan dengan Agen Betting Online yang memiliki reputasi manajemen berpengalaman bertahun tahun dalam industri taruhan online di Indonesia.

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Smart Marketing To Develop Your Business

Every entrepreneur wants to open and grow the business of his or her dreams, eventually expanding to open a second and even third or more at another location. in hindsight, expansion could’ve gone more smoothly had they taken a few simple precautions when the business was just getting started. Make sure your business equipment can grow as your business grows. You don’t want to spend tons of money upgrading everything because you went too basic and cheap in the beginning.

Now the problem is how to get the targeted customers? You can get the targeted customers by doing some research. However, the research can be quite complicated and requires some times. One best way to find the list of targeted customers is by visiting tlclists.com The website is especially made to give us the marketing list we need. This professional company has been serving the successful American companies for years.

From the website we can get many device useful to make good marketing such as list brokers, consumer mailing lists and more. The consumer mailing lists are known to be responsive to direct mail. The individuals on their consumer mailing lists have provided detailed information about themselves, their home and their lifestyle. So, if you want need more information about how to develop your business and make good marketing, call (877) 415-5478 Now for a Free List Quote and List Recommendation.

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Anything about Vasectomy Reversal

As we know that vasectomy is one of programs that enable men set up their reproduction organ does not work. Usually this program is aimed to men that have no desire to have son and children. The decision to hold vasectomy is different because each man stands for their own reason and there is no one else who can stop them their intention. But for once in lifetime, a man who has already had the vasectomy surgery will feel that it is unnecessary anymore to keep his reproduction organ not working.

Regarding this intention, a vasectomy reversal method will do a favor so much that it will release a man from the surgical vasectomy he had ever passed through. To get to know more about anything related to this surgery, a man can start to look for information or anything else from a website named MMHC-Online.Com. This website holds a role to become a provider of articles that will definitely fulfill his enquiry on getting complete overview about vasectomy surgery or other necessities on having such method. By the method of surgery, someone could probably release the organ of reproduction of his free and he can plan having a child again.

There are testimonies given by clients located in this website reflecting satisfaction they feel regarding the process of reversal applied on them. Other features are sited at the left side of the website and all you need to do is only to click the certain title in order to look at the further explanations inside. If you need to find out more about costs, this website also deals with it.

The Best Exit Sign

As you have already known that soon our planet will experience energy crisis. The energy crisis is caused by the excessive exploration of the fossil fuels such as oil and coal. To avoid the severe effects of the global energy crisis, people start to use low energy consumption device. People create device that can save the energy so that the energy crisis will be reduced. There are many ways to save energy such as using low consumption lamps. You can also use lamination device as the replacement of lighted device. All signs usually use lamps to make it visible. There are some ways to reduce the energy consumption in this signs. To have it you can directly open Exitsigns.com.

This website is the specialist in making high quality exit signs that can save energy. From this website you will get some choices of low energy consumption exit sign devices. Most of the signs even don’t need energy at all because there are made using illumination paints. Some of them use Fluorescent. If the sign is to be placed in the dark, this website also provide EXIT SIGNS with LED and LEC that only need low energy and have long life period. The LED device can stand for over 10 years and the LEC can stand for over 30 years.

Make sure that you open this website if you need such signs. The signs will make you contributing to the world energy saving. It can also reduce your energy bills. Moreover, the signs are very affordable.

The Best Video Conversion

Humans are created better that any other creatures. Humans are gifted with emotions that no other creatures have. Human are also gifted with the ability to do many things. The emotion for human is very important because by having emotion people can express their feeling to other persons. Emotion is also closely related to memory. If a human have a emotional memory, he always try to remember it, regardless how hard it is. This memory is a main factor for human to take care and maintain their memorial things such as films or photographs. If you have old films that remain you of a beautiful moment in the past, you can fix it and make it like new again. There is only one place where you can restore your old films. This place can be reached at Videoconversionexperts.com.

This website is the best film restoration company in which you can transfer your 8mm film to DVD format. All moments that you have captured in the past will be restored into a high quality DVD format. To transfer 8mm to DVD you need to sign up this website and choose film transfer menu. This website has the best film scanner that can make your old film look like it did when it was first taken.

Open this website if you want to remember your beautiful moments in the past such as your wedding day or your first son birth and etc. The cost for the restoration can be viewed on this website and surely you will have some discounts for some conditions.

Private Holiday

The Christmas holiday is just a couple of months to go. It is the time for a vacation. You can have a vacation and also celebrate Christmas at the same time. Normally, people are going to a vacation with his wife or family but if you don’t have family yet, it won’t prevent you from having a good holiday and Christmas celebration. There are many travel agents and also tour companies that provide single travelers facilities. It means that you can enjoy your single vocation without taking a whole family vacation packages. There are many vacation packages for single traveler that you can take and if you need one you can directly open Justyou.co.uk. This website is the best website that gives many good facilities for singe travelers.

From this website you will be able to get many vacation packages as good as family vacation packages. You can enjoy Holiday for Singles and make new friendship with many other single travelers. As a normal vacation, you can choose Singles Holidays packages that include Single Cruise. You will be able to travel to any destination in the world and make new relation with many new people that probably will get you into further relationship. All the holiday packages for this single traveler are sold with cheap price and there will be no additional charge for you.

Make sure that you open this website if you are interested to go for a holiday this Christmas. Don’t let your loneliness trapped you into a dark holiday. Open this website and pick any holiday plan that you like and you will have fun with many people like you.

Rain Harvesting

Availability of water are considered important in the climate conditions of uncertainty. In the prolonged dry season, many activities of daily life disrupted because of lack of water supply. For that, necessary effort to maximize the potential of water resources in order to provide particular daily needs during the difficult water.

Rain are not coming during the year although the amount of water that falls relatively fixed in accordance with the potential of rainfall in each region. One cause of many common areas in the raw water shortages because of drought when water use is too concentrated in the rainy season and there is no attempt to store rainwater. In fact, that water remains available in the dry season is very dependent on water conservation.

According to the situation we have to deposit rainwater during rain to the rain water barrels .The main function of rain barrels is to deposit rain water during rain so it can continue to be used for a prolonged period even repeated. The deposit of rain water can be use as drinking water and for other purpose.There are plenty of rain barrels for sale available today, the factory not only considered about the function but also think about the looks, color and art.

Vail Ski Rentals

If you think Vail, Colorado is a winter-only ski town, then you might want to rethink your summer plans or you could miss out on a great little treasure. Walking through the sun-glistening Vail Village of ski shops during the summer easily conjures up transposed images of the bustling nature it embodies during the winter - yet what you may not realize at first glance is the full array of amazing activities you can pursue there in the middle of summer.

Vail, Colorado is North America’s Premier Resort Community. Guests will be enchanted by the European ambiance and Old World feel of the village with its picturesque pedestrian mall and superb shopping and dining establishments - all in Vail’s intimate mountain setting. The key to Vail's popularity is, of course, the wonderful skiing and snowboarding on offer.

if you looking for Vail Ski Rentals, i recommended you to visit skibutlers.com because they have Great service with competitive pricing and incredibly convenient very helpful attendant on time, polite, knowledgeable. The service is so convenient that it makes no sense to spend time in a ski rental store when we are dying to hit the slopes first thing in the morning. Hundreds or maybe even more people who are very satisfied with the luxury and friendly service that the offer by skibutlers.com. For luxury and style in a world-class setting, visit Vail. Call 877-754-7754 to start planning your trip today

The Best Place To Storage Your File

After being confused browsed for free file storage service on the internet, yesterday I tried to browse again and I found the file storage on the Internet for free, unlimited, and we will get some prizes. This website missUpload.com, one of the best free file upload service that will help you to start sharing files with others and start get some money with it. With MissUpload.com you’ll not only enjoy our exciting file sharing experience, you’ll also earn Points which can be converted into cash! You will get $0,01 for each Unique download. Redeemed cash will be transfered via PayPal once it reaches $10.

MissUpload is a file hosting provider. It offers online storage/remote backup capacity, sophisticated uploading and downloading tools. With missupload.com you can host files, images, videos, audio and flash on the same place. MissUpload can also be used to share files with people you specify, so it’s a handy way of letting other access files that are too large to be sent by email. It also means users can access and upload their files from various computers without having to carry around USB sticks that could get lost or damaged.

So, what are you waiting for visit missupload.com and start sharing photos, videos, and many more with your friends anytime you want.

Blog Advertising

Ada Apa Dengan Blogsvertise ?

Ada apa denganmu blogsvertise ? itulah sekelumit pertanyaan yang akhir-akhir ini muncul di benakku. bukan tanpa alasan pertanyaan tersebut muncul, karena belakangan ini jobs repiu yang aku kerjakan seringkali di reject oleh admin-nya blogsvertise.

Dari mulai si Dana, Marie ataupun si Jill yang sering mengirim e-mail pemberitahuan ada jobs baru dan belakangan ini sering mengirim e-mail penolakan hasil repiu. Pernah satu job ditolak sampai empat kali dengan alasan yang tidak jelas dimana letak kesalahannya. Bayangkan betapa pusingnya jika ditolak sampai empat kali, itu baru satu job belum termasuk job yang lainnya.
Mungkin broker yang satu ini sudah menerapkan peraturan dan kebijakan baru perihal hasil repiu yang di kerjakan oleh blogger yang berasal dari Indonesia atau untuk semua blogger, entahlah..

Duhhh... kalo masih nyubie memang susah dapat penghasilan tambahan dari internet, padahal blogsvertise termasuk broker andalanku mencari recehan dollar.

Sampai saat ini aku belum pernah sih kirim e-mail protes ataupun mengirimkan pertanyaan seputar uneg-uneg-ku tersebut mungkin pas kebetulan dapat advertiser yang rese aja kali sehingga hasil repiuku di reject terus. Mungkin temen-temen ada juga yang pernah hal serupa dan sudah dapat solusinya, saya tunggu sharing pengalamannya.

Semoga jobs yang akan datang semakin rame dan seru serta tidak ada lagi penolakan dari admin-nya yang hampir membuat patah semangat (amiiiin...)

Promote Your Business By Trade Show Displays

For many businesses, a trade show can offer a simple and convenient way to target relevant buyers. When attending a trade show, the greatest challenge can be rising above the visual roar of neighboring booths. You need to convey your message forcefully and effectively in just the few seconds that someone spends walking by your trade show booth. Trade show displays attract attention to a company's services or products. Forms of trade show displays vary in size, style, and cost.

Various types include pop-up displays, banner stands, literature racks, custom exhibits and more. Now, i will talk about custom exhibits,If trade show displays are critical to your business, a custom convention displays might be worth the higher cost. By working with an experienced trade show booth designer, you can create a unique booth that fits your company's strengths. Custom exhibits can include components of any of the other types of displays, as well as freestanding pedestals, stages, workspaces, desks, and more.

Another option for trade show displays is a PowerPoint or similar presentation. The presentation might include product, service, or company details. With the use of a laptop, the presentation can run continuously at your booth or table.

Toko Suami

Sebuah toko yang menjual suami baru saja dibuka di kota New York,dimana wanita dapat memilih suami. Diantara instruksi2 yang ada di pintu masuk terdapat instruksi yang menunjukkan bagaimana aturan main untuk masuk toko tersebut.

"Kamu hanya dapat mengunjungi toko ini SATU KALI"

Toko tersebut terdiri dari 6 lantai dimana setiap lantai akan sebuah calon kelompok suami. Semakin tinggi lantainya, semakin tinggi pula nilai lelaki tersebut.Bagaimanapun ini adalah semacam jebakan. Kamu dapat memilih lelaki di lantai tertentu atau lebih memilih ke lantai berikutnya tetapi dengan syarat tidak bisa turun ke lantai sebelumnya kecuali untuk keluar dari toko..

Lalu, seorang wanita pun pergi ke toko "suami" tersebut untuk mencari suami..

Di lantai 1 terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 1 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan dan taat pada Tuhan

Wanita itu tersenyum, kemudian dia naik ke lantai 2 selanjutnya.

Di lantai 2 terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 2 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, dan senang anak kecil

Kembali wanita itu naik ke lantai selanjutnya.

Di lantai 3 terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 3 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil dan cakep banget.

'' Wow'', tetapi pikirannya masih penasaran dan terus naik.

Lalu sampailah wanita itu di lantai 4 dan terdapat tulisan
Lantai 4 : Lelaki di lantai ini yang memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil, cakep banget dan suka membantu pekerjaan rumah.

"Ya ampun !'' Dia berseru, ''Aku hampir tak percaya''
Dan dia tetap melanjutkan ke lantai 5 dan terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 5 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil,cakep banget,suka membantu pekerjaan rumah, dan memiliki rasa romantis.

Dia tergoda untuk berhenti tapi kemudian dia melangkah kembali ke lantai 6 dan terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 6 : Anda adalah pengunjung yang ke 4.363.012. Tidak ada lelaki di lantai ini.Lantai ini hanya semata-mata bukti untuk wanita yang tidak pernah puas.

Terima kasih telah berbelanja di toko "Suami". Hati-hati ketika keluar toko dan semoga hari yang indah buat anda.

Mohon maaf artikel saya bukan semata-mata untuk mendiskreditkan kaum hawa, hanya sekedar untuk bahan introspeksi diri. Semoga anda tidak termasuk golongan wanita yang tidak pernah puas akan anugerah dan karunia dari Allah SWT.

Shopping From Home

Internet technology never mention about age or profession. Through the Internet there are a variety of activities that people often do, from finding the data, Friendster, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook or blogging. Home shopping online actually is not a new thing, but the benefits of online shopping more convenient and faster. even now there's a terminology that says: time is more valuable than money .

Today as the more wider of internet network, many people used to do shopping online. In this way, makes shopping from home becomes easier.

Usually there are three things people most frequently purchased by online shopping system such as : books, fashion, cosmetics and beauty. But as far as I know there's unlimited kind of item that we will find on internet .

The most interesting of online shooping is you can choose a specific things that you want, for example you only prefer vegetarian food that comes from healty farm, or a clothes that care about green environment, or you want to buy travel package to try a vacation in the world's dreamiest destinations . Anything that you want would served completely in online catalog, you can see size, model, color and of course you can see price and you can compare to another.

Holistic Dog Food

Although you may think all pet food manufacturers have your pet’s best interests in mind, this is not always the case as many pet parents are learning from the continued rise in pet food recalls. Current pet food regulations allow manufacturers to use ingredients that you would never knowingly give to your pet. In fact, you may be shocked to learn what some brands of pet food really contain. For example: the use of by-products chemical preservatives (BHA and BHT) and grains that are often difficult to digest (corn, wheat, gluten and soy), which are often used as a protein source instead of meat.

dog owners are increasingly choosing holistic dog food, over the commercially available pet food, in a bid to introduce their dogs to a healthier, more balanced diet. So if healthy dog food is on your to-do list, you must give an extra care for your dogs.

Home Security? Leave it to The Expert

Isn't it a hope for everybody to get sleep well every night knowing that you have done your best to make your home and your family secure. There are many products and services that offers a better security system to home owners, but make sure you also do your research before making any decisions! Most home owners know someone who has been broken into, so it’s worth investing your time and money before the inevitable happens.

It's better prevent than to repair... am sure that we agree about that.There's a simple action we can do at least to prevent criminal enter your property, such as Laying a gravel path or drive makes a lot of noise when someone walked on. Even small precautions can help reduce being a victim of crime. Leaving the lights, TV or radio on, possibly using a timer will also give the impression that someone’s home.Add a few security lights and the burglars will soon be put off. If you have a garden wall or fence, you could paint it with anti-climb paint.

Invest in a Home security system could protecting your property through a 24 hour alarm monitoring station, having an alarm can also lower your insurance premiums. It’s worth getting professional advice about this to ensure you’re choosing the right technology for your home and lifestyle, you can try ADT security system, because ADT home protection packages are very stumpy when paralleled to the others. Provider of electronic security services in the world, securing over six million commercial, federal and residential customers throughout North America.

USA Online Casinos

There are many sites provide information about online casinos, but not all casinos accept USA Players. As an American-based gambler, it can be a challenge to find online casinos that welcome US players. For many American, playing casino is not only for fun but also for killing the time and earning money. That is why they like going to many casino gambling places in their cities. Besides playing in many traditional casino places, they can also play in many online casinos sites available in the internet.

There are many sites provide information about online casinos, but if you search for reviews that really trusted about usa online casinos, I recommended you to visit http://www.onlinecasinosandplayers.com/. Once you visit this web site, you will see many online casino accepting USA players, such as; Golden Casino, Millionaire, Rushmore, Cherry Red, Aladdin's Gold and many more. The list of the casino is also completed with bonus, software, review and Currency.

Online gambling forums, casino guides and personal blogs of casino players can also be helpful in selecting some of the best USA Online Casinos. By visiting and knowing online casinos that accept USA players, you will be able to choose the usa internet casino the right for you. so, don't miss it.

Paypal Casino

Playing online casinos games is fun, Do you ever try to play slot? can you play this game? At best slot machine casinos you can learn the technic in a few simple steps, playing fun and exciting slot machines casino games from the convenience of your own personal computer. bestbuyslots.com have a lot of variety games you can bet your money in many recommended Slot Machines Casinos games such as :Golden Casino, Super Slots, Platinum Play, Villento Las Vegas, Roxy Palace and more.

On the site, you will be able to download free software that will allow you to play great casino games from the comfort of your home. Once you sign up for the service, you will be able to download the software. This software will then allow you to play slots, blackjack, roulette, and other popular casino style games.

Paypal is the worlds largest online payment processor and has over 110 Million accounts worldwide. Unfortunately using PayPal with casino or poker account directly is impossible, because of the strict PayPal policy. PayPal does not transfer money to any gambling oriented businesses, including online casinos, poker rooms and sports betting. Don't worry guys.. If paypal casino can not be used to fund casino account directly, just visit bestbuyslots.com you can find solution to make deposits and withdrawals into your casino accounts. there are many newer and much better ways as an alternative payment methods for funding and withdrawing your winnings.

Worried about tax and accounting?

The word of Accounting mean the process of collecting, summarizing and analyzing the organization's financial data. Every business must prioritize their accounts to ensure revenue and expenditure management worked well. Failure in its application could lead to failure in your business.

There are two ways of managing your business: chartered accounting firm or using accounting software and manage themselves. Many people are concerned with the calculation and taxes, so they prefer to hire an accountant to do all the work, but is only suitable for some people, but not for everybody. By hiring an accountant will require not small amount of money, depending on the size of your business and the amount of financial data are made.

If you're just starting a business, you can gather all the information and hire an accountant or tax accountants once a year. Most accountants work with a count per hour, depending on how long it takes to work at your place, then the long hours that you should pay for them. If you keep all receipts and invoices with consecutive dates, you can minimize the cost accountants.

Recently the more businesses are using accounting software because the price of hiring an accountant can be increased substantially. There are many types of accounting software for small and large businesses as well as many different types of businesses.

Semesta Bertakbir Menyambut Hari Kemenangan

Seiring hembusan angin dan gemericik hujan, umat Muslim di seluruh penjuru dunia mengumandangkan takbir mengawali datangnya Hari Kemenangan 1 Syawal 14 30 Hijriah dan sekaligus melepas kepergian bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkah,Rahmat dan ampunan. Semestapun betakbir mengumandangkan AsmaMu ya Allah SWT, mengagungkan kebesaranMu ya Rabb.... memuji dengan segala kebesaranMu.

Disaat inipun aku sedang sedih mengenang ibuku yang telah berpulang keharibanMu ya Rabb, teringat masa-masa indah dulu bersama ibuku tercinta melewati lebaran bersama. Semoga ibuku berbahagia dalam kasih sayangMu ya Rabb.

Alhamdulillah Hari Lebaran tahun 2009 ini tidak ada perselisihan untuk menentukan kapan datangnya 1 syawal yang dinanti. Sidang itsbat MUI telah memutuskan 1 syawal jatuh pada hari minggu 20 September 2009 begitupun dengan ormas Islam yang ada di Indonesia telah menyepakati keputusan tersebut. Semoga tidak ada lagi perselisihan di tahun-tahun mendatang.

Sesungguhnya sedih rasanya melepas kepergian bulan Ramadhan disaat hati mulai terbiasa dengan didikan untuk melawan hawa nafsu dan disaat ibadah sudah menjadi kebutuhan engkau telah berlalu meninggalkan kami semua yang masih merindukanmu. sebagaimana Nabi SAW pernah berkata yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Mas'ud Al Ghifari radhiyallohu anhu :

Seandainya para hamba mengetahui apa (hakikat) bulan Ramadhan maka tentu ummatku menginginkan Ramadhan itu sepanjang tahun,…sesungguhnya surga berhias untuk bulan Ramadhan di setiap penghujung tahun ke tahun berikutnya ….."




ID Thieves Bag Bernanke: Is No One Safe?

“You’ve got to be kidding,” I said to my wife. “Incredulous. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve is the victim of Identity Theft. According to the Associated Press story, thieves got Bernanke to the tune of $2.1 million and the fraud involved at least 10 financial institutions.”

“Guess he didn’t have Identity Theft Shield, huh?”

I knew she was going to say that. I wanted her to say just that. As an Independent Associate of Pre-Paid Legal myself, I tell people all the time about their risk. But, people are people and they say what they say, like “my bank takes care of that” and “my credit card company covers me.” If that is what they want to believe and it works for them, great.

However, my banker and I had a chat when I opened Tommy Mack Organization LLC and it turned out that she has Pre-Paid Legal coverage as an employee benefit through her employer, or Financial Institution as they prefer. She had declined to take the Identity Theft Shield protection at the time she enrolled.

She got a letter from the IRS that claimed my banker owned them income tax on unclaimed wages. It came to be discovered that her ID was stolen and used by someone else to get work. She said that the FBI told her it could take 2 to 3 years to straighten it out. And just about everyone knows someone who has been a victim.

Back to the Bernanke case, the AP story quotes Brian Lapidus, “an identity theft expert with Kroll Fraud Solutions said it's not unusual to hear of high-ranking officials caught up by identity theft. His firm has worked with celebrities, senators and others who have been victims.” That company provides the PPD Identity Theft Shield product I recommend to my clients and friends.

The story also reports in small details the fastest growing ID Theft scheme – the synthetic person. “The scheme involved using stolen IDs, bank records, personal checks and other items to impersonate victims at bank branches, according to an affidavit signed by Postal Inspector William J. Aiello,” the article said.

How could organized crime be anything if not thrilled by ID theft? Other than plastic cards, what inventory is there in sets of numbers? It is impersonally personal as crimes go and a growing menace by all accounts.

There are other pretenders to ID theft solution; but they do not do what Kroll and Pre-Paid Legal Services can do – like have professional, licensed investigators go after the perpetrators. Go to my PPD website and look. PPD has been in business since 1972 and is publically traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

It would be an easy target to blame the credit card industry for facilitating ID Theft. It would be easy to suggest that the industry is actually legalized crime, but I will address that later. In the mean time, the PBS series Frontline did a revealing story about credit cards you may be interested in seeing.

I am sorry that Mr. Bernanke got bagged in an ID theft. But, if he is not safe, who is?

Take Out the Paper

When the United States began, the press meant newspapers -- the venerable Fourth Estate. Attributed to British politician Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797), that synonym for newspapers has been broadened to include all of the mass media. The press is protected by law from Congress, but it is not protected from business or technology. Despite pundits’ predictions to the contrary, radio failed to kill newspapers and television failed to kill radio. Neither is the Internet killing its media cousins. As newspapers across the country fail or fold, bad business practice in the present bleak economy threatens all of the Fourth Estate, and this in turn threatens the country.

The story of the failing
San Francisco Chronicle is just one example of a major metro-area newspaper having been managed into the dinosaur museum of media. It took the paper’s losing $50 million last year for management to make a remarkable grasp of the obvious. Its last-ditch solution is to slash expenses and purge the payroll. "Our current situation dictates that we accomplish these cost savings quickly," Chronicle Publisher Frank Vega wrote in a memo to the staff. "Business as usual is no longer an option."

The New York-based Hearst Corporation bought the Chronicle in 2000 in a $660 million deal and has been losing money ever since. The paper is the largest daily in northern California with a paid weekday circulation of 340-thousand and a work force of about 1500 people. According to the
Wall Street Journal, Hearst said it will seek "critical cost-saving measures," including a steep reduction in the Chronicle's staff. If it can't reach its cost-saving target "within weeks," Hearst said it will seek a new owner for the Chronicle. If it cannot find a buyer, Hearst said it will close the paper. Bankers say there are no likely buyers for the Chronicle.

The list of new exhibits to the dinosaur museum of media includes other inductees such as the Seattle Post Intelligencer and the Miami Herald. After 150 years Denver’s Rocky Mountain News is history. Tribune Company, parent to the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, has filed for bankruptcy. So has Philadelphia Newspapers which publishes the Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily Journal. In fact, 33 newspapers have filed for bankruptcy protection. The American Society of Newspaper Editors has cancelled its annual convention for 2009.

Mike Hoyt is the Columbia Journalism Review Executive Editor. He says such losses are sad because newspapers are very tied in with their community. “When a city only has one paper,” Hoyt said, "you lose competition, and you lose the edge, and you lose energy. Competition is good. It sharpens the news gathering, and the investigative reporting." Reflecting on Denver and San Francisco, Hoyt said, "The daily newspaper in a major metropolitan market is the voice of a city. It provides a civic forum that everyone can relate to and come together to talk about. And it can take on complicated problems, and be a watchdog for the community . . . You need big institutions to cover big problems and big situations."

In 1787 Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” Jefferson regarded a free press as absolutely essential to investigate and criticize the government. It bit him. The press vilified Jefferson during his presidency. Nor would he be the last.

A hundred-fifty years after Jefferson’s presidency, Harry Truman joined a long line of presidents who worked the press. “Once a week the President of the United States faces the free press and endures a barrage of questions,” wrote Anthony Leviero in the New York Times in 1949. “It is the biggest show in Washington. It is also a great institution, uniquely American. It has become a factor in our checks-and-balances system of government.”

Then there was President Nixon who, after two years of bitter public debate over the Watergate scandals, bowed to pressures from the public and the press to become the first President in American history to resign the presidency. “We saw a president toppled by a couple of reporters, Woodward and Bernstein, who inspired thousands of young people to take up investigative journalism,” wrote the late author and activist Peter McWilliams. “Then, after Woodward and Bernstein were portrayed in the movies by Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford, tens of thousands applied to journalism schools.”

The peril of our free press is that it costs a lot of money and there is not much of that to support it. “Journalists are the watchdogs, and being able to shine a spotlight on corruption or scandal is vital to our democracy," wrote Mike Hoyt. However, the impact of the recession on newspapers ad-based bottom lines has to do with business and not journalism. It is just that there will be less journalism.

The worst advertising climate in decades killed the print version of the Baltimore Examiner free newspaper on February 15, less than three years after its debut. "This is very disappointing for all of us. Obviously, this is not what we envisioned when we launched the newspaper," ownership’s CEO Ryan McKibben wrote to Examiner staff. The company will now concentrate resources on an Internet venture where it plans to add space, new columnists and Web editors.
Maybe that is an example of good business management. What about the journalism?

“Half-truths, obfuscations and apparent deceit -- these are the wages of a world in which newspapers, their staffs eviscerated, no longer battle at the frontiers of public information,” wrote David Simon in the Washington Post about his experience as a newspaperman in Baltimore. “And in a city where officials routinely plead with citizens to trust the police, where witnesses have for years been vulnerable to retaliatory violence, we now have a once-proud department's officers hiding behind anonymity that is not only arguably illegal under existing public information laws, but hypocritical as well.”

Rather than solutions, there are modifications to the newspaper business failure. The Duluth News Tribune and the St. Paul Pioneer Press, for example, will work with the University of Minnesota's School of Journalism and Mass Communication on a half-million dollar project. The idea of folding newspapers into endowment projects or university systems is being floated. There is my dinosaur media museum. In the end, business is business – enterprise has a market to support it.

Unfortunately, business being business, markets contract and companies cease to be viable. GM is a looming example of a failed corporation and yet some of its brands will continue to be be produced. I suspect journalism likewise will survive the fall of the big corporations as a hybrid form of credentialed web-print production, such as blogging with a hard copy back end. I will not be convinced that blogging is journalism, however, until I see a White House Blog Corps.

Effective Delegation

An organization is defined as a structure through which individuals cooperate systematically to conduct business, and this is the purview of managers. It has been said that the best manager is the one who has the least amount to do. When you think about it, that axiom is true because a manager’s job is that of a coordinator inside an organization. To be effective, managers need to practice effective delegation.

The higher an owner or employee progresses in an organization, the greater their area of responsibility. There is a point at which the scope of their responsibility becomes larger than any one person can handle. That does not mean that they do not try, but another axiom says, “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” At that point one must delegate authority and responsibilities to other people. Otherwise, meeting the needs of the business through proper performance is jeopardized.

Two major benefits of effective delegation are the distribution of the work load and the development of subordinates.
The best way to figure out what can be delegated and what should not is to identify the elements of the work at hand. From that identification the elements can be put in different classifications such as A, B, and C items.

· “A” items are the few duties that are the most important and cannot be delegated. Only you can perform them.
· “B” items are some duties that are important but not critical, so they may be delegated to someone other than to you.
· “C” items are the greatest number of duties that are necessary to the business but of lesser importance than the “B” items. These should be delegated.

In my practice I routinely teach owners, executives and supervisors the importance of learning how to manage through other people. To be successful it is essential to keep control by holding subordinates accountable for their actions. One must strike a balance. You do not get so close that you are looking over subordinates’ shoulders. Neither do you want to become so far removed that you do not know what is going on. The way to succeed at that balance is to develop a system for getting feedback.

I have worked in companies that had reports on reports and conducted meetings on meetings. I never liked it, so whenever I hear someone in business say that they hate reports and meetings, I empathize with them. However, what they are telling me is that the paperwork and the blabberwork have lost reason. Reports and meetings mean nothing unless they have the purpose of keeping you informed. The reports should provide you information at the right time. Meetings should permit dialogue on activities, accomplishments, and problems -- an important part of the communication process.

It is not so much that there are rules to follow as accomplishments to achieve. The first thing to accomplish is to make sure that subordinates clearly understand the tasks they must perform. A good practice is to have your subordinates describe what it is they think you want them to accomplish. You also need to make sure that employees have the skill, talent, and ability to perform their job. The last thing you want is to delegate a job destined to result in failure or frustration.

Another good practice is to allow your subordinates latitude in how a job should be performed. Your way is not the only way. Having said that, however, make sure that you provide all the resources necessary to successfully perform a job. Let your subordinates do the work, but make sure that you can provide them with help in getting the job accomplished if necessary.

Everyone wins when you make a habit of doing the following early and often:
· Delegate not only the menial, unimportant jobs but also the significant ones. Employees will see this as a vote of confidence.
· Remain accessible. Always provide a safety net for your subordinates. Be available as necessary, but avoid engaging in over-the-shoulder surveillance.
· When a job is performed well, praise the subordinates for their performance.

In my experience delegation is the hardest job that business owners and managers have to learn. They confuse delegation with giving subordinates many responsibilities but little or no authority. Success requires both the delegation of responsibilities and of the authority. Enough authority must be delegated to accomplish the following:

· To get work done
· To allow key employees to take initiative
· To keep things going in your absence
· To develop subordinates
· To establish accountability
· To free up management time for higher level activity

In that way your responsibilities and the needs of the organization are effectively met. The higher up you progress in an organization, the more important the practice of effective delegation becomes. It might seem contra-intuitive, but the old axiom applies. You want to be the manager with the least amount to do.

Who Is In Charge Here?

Whether you are a sole proprietor running a small company of family and friends or the president of a company that employs thousands of people, there is something called “depth of management.” It is similar to the military “chain of command” and can be diagramed in an organization chart. Research has shown that a supervisor is required for every three to five people performing a unit task. If there are three to five supervisors, they need a supervisor and so forth. The larger a company gets, the structure is more about managing the flow of information than the activities of employees, but supervision is supervision whether it is peoplework or paperwork.

A common problem for all is how they answer the question, “Who is in charge here?” An owner’s offspring is put in charge, a worker is promoted to supervisor, and a principal hires a friend or outsider. Negative repercussions can result unless those people who are put in charge of other people understand what being a supervisor is about. It is not about being “the boss.” Boss is not a job title or a position. Supervisor is a job title and the position is about getting a job done.

A supervisor is a person who is responsible for the work being accomplished by one or more employees.

The supervisor must have the ability to handle the function to which they are assigned and the ability to control and direct those employees whom they supervise, or subordinates. The capacity of supervisory personnel is largely dependent upon their personality, background, education, and work experience. Good supervisor are open-minded and alert to new ideas, allowing them to be flexible in handling varying situations that must be faced daily.

Successful supervisors display three main qualities: stability, decisiveness and understanding.

Emotional stability is essential. Good supervisors must be able to control her or his temper under all conditions, especially when the going gets tough. They must follow an orderly, well-planned procedure that is flexible enough to permit changes when necessary. Decisions must be handled positively and quickly because shaky and uncertain decisions will cost the respect of both subordinates and other supervisors. Subordinates who are made to feel that they are understood enjoy working under their supervisor's steady and dependable direction.

The qualifications for supervisors include impartiality, leadership, confidence and balance.

Supervisors must be impartial and impersonal, not allowing their personal likes and dislikes to influence their decisions. Good supervisors are leaders rather than drivers. Subordinates take pride in their work when they feel it is worthwhile. Supervisors must be able to train subordinates in their tasks and be able to instill a feeling of confidence in their abilities. A good supervisor also knows when to praise a subordinate for work well done as well as to correct a subordinate privately for unsatisfactory performance.

The responsibilities of supervisors share core attributes regardless of their company size.

· Accepting and understanding all duties delegated to them.
· Developing recommendations to modify tasks assigned to subordinates.
· Establishing coordination and discipline among subordinates.
· Evaluating the performance of subordinates.
· Training subordinates at all levels and developing selected individuals to become assistants and to assume the supervisor's duties when the need arises.
· Simplifying all activities to necessary essentials by eliminating marginal work and non-productive effort.
· Maintaining operating records of the quality and quantity of work performed.
· Planning, and rescheduling work to obtain improved workflow and increased production.
· Performing the operations within approved standards by attending to all assigned duties and acting on matters as they arise.
· Observing and practicing all policies.

The authority of a supervisor includes responsibility, jurisdiction, and morale.

Regardless of the delegation of duties to subordinates, supervisors remain personally responsible for the proper performance of all duties assigned to the position and to the organizational unit they supervise. Under no circumstances should the authority of any supervisor be destroyed by the direct issuance of instructions to personnel under that supervisor's jurisdiction by other supervisory personnel, regardless of the organizational rank of the latter.

The supervisor must have exclusive jurisdiction and authority over all personnel, equipment, and facilities for which they are responsible. Supervisors are entitled to the full cooperation of their own supervisor in the event that an employee is judged unsatisfactory and must be transferred or terminated.

All supervisory personnel are expected to develop and maintain a high standard of morale and production in addition to being fully familiar with all company policies. Each supervisor may make recommendations concerning subordinate employees. However, only a functional manager has the authority to hire, promote, demote, discipline, or terminate any employee within the functional section.

Supervisors share some core administrative and general duties regardless of company size.

· Achieving a well-organized, smooth running unit by making competent selections, providing sufficient training, and closely supervising assigned personnel.
· Securing effective, productive use of all personnel, equipment, and supplies in their unit.
· Building and maintaining employee morale.
· Operating their unit within established guidelines and budgets.
· Maintaining productivity and improving methods and procedures whenever possible.
· Providing proper maintenance, control, and proper use of all equipment, including a preventative maintenance program when applicable.
· Ensuring strict adherence to safety rules and practices at all times.
· Reducing potential hazards in the work place.
· Reducing wasteful use of resources.

Proper supervision is the prime activity for top management. Its agenda is to operate an organization productively and smoothly. Supervision is the way companies obtain the necessary coordination, cooperation, and communication required to succeed. Supervisors must always put emphasis on the details of doing a job, not just on accomplishing the end result. That is what being in charge means.

Broke Banks

If ever there was an industry that needs some positive public relations, it is banking. Bank failures have become common place. In Georgia, for example, there have been five bank failures in the last five months and the hits just keep on coming. Another fifteen banks are expected to go under this year, more than twice the number that collapsed there during the savings and loan crisis twenty years ago. Until last year, California had seen only 3 bank failures during the previous decade – in 1999, 2000 and 2003. According to the FDIC, California suffered 5 bank failures in 2008 alone.

Banking is a highly regulated business. Despite news commentaries that bankers got greedy as banks were deregulated and became corrupt, bank consumers have protection. In the recent case of IndyMac Bank, the third-largest bank to fail in American history, a run on deposits and rising defaults made Federal regulators seize it.

The mortgage loan portion of the banking business earned derision for being lax and, in some cases, predatory in its lending practices. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says that a sustained economic recovery may require additional bailouts of financial institutions. However, the business loan portion of banking has become the collateral casualty that threatens the country’s economic recovery.

As a business management consultant experienced in dealing with bankers on behalf of my clients, it is clear to me that business loan criteria are in flux. Even clients with excellent credit, strong assets and positive history are being denied new loans and are incurring decreased credit lines. New financing does not seem to be happening. Does that mean banks are not lending money to small businesses? They say that they are but that assertion is inconsistent with my clients’ are experiences.

Banks make money by selling the use of money, right? “If the borrower provides the bank with both a belt and a pair of suspenders,” Joe Nocera wrote in the New York Times, “the loan is being granted.” However, “[i]n addition to not making new loans, the banks are systematically withdrawing commitments and capital from the economy.”

So what about the Economic Stimulus Package of 2008? It is about tax breaks for businesses that spent money on property and vehicles last year while their credit lines were getting trashed. According to the Package’s press release, “This new legislation will not only benefit small businesses in a variety of ways, but it will also provide an economic boost to the entire nation.” Bold words in that generalization do not change the fact that “there are exceptions and additional requirements.” Tax credits for small businesses that create jobs sound fine, but it takes money to make the payroll to pay for the jobs to qualify for the tax credits.

Bank accountability is about to change with the new administration. Specifically, the government might force banks to make loans they would otherwise avoid. It is certain that the Obama administration wants to avoid more stupidity, such as those of the Bush Treasury secretary, Henry Paulson “who sold Congress on an elaborate strategy for shoring up banks and then shifted to an entirely different approach before he even got started.”

Meanwhile, forces for the benefit of small business—the largest aggregate employer in the United States -- are seeking the administration’s ear. The National Development Council wants a $75 billion small business stimulus package and a Cabinet-level position to coordinate federal resources for small businesses. Additionally, the National Small Business Association is seeking congress’s ear, asking for 25 percent of TARP funds to be aimed at small business lending and a mandate that 23 percent of stimulus infrastructure funds be contracted out to small businesses. Both are debatable requests.

Small business needs direct financial help to grow our pillaged economy and to create the jobs promised by the new administration. Tax credits alone cannot make job growth happen. The new congress and administration need to hear from us. We will have to make prosperity happen. They will have to help us.