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Ada Apa Dengan Blogsvertise ?
Ada apa denganmu blogsvertise ? itulah sekelumit pertanyaan yang akhir-akhir ini muncul di benakku. bukan tanpa alasan pertanyaan tersebut muncul, karena belakangan ini jobs repiu yang aku kerjakan seringkali di reject oleh admin-nya blogsvertise.
Dari mulai si Dana, Marie ataupun si Jill yang sering mengirim e-mail pemberitahuan ada jobs baru dan belakangan ini sering mengirim e-mail penolakan hasil repiu. Pernah satu job ditolak sampai empat kali dengan alasan yang tidak jelas dimana letak kesalahannya. Bayangkan betapa pusingnya jika ditolak sampai empat kali, itu baru satu job belum termasuk job yang lainnya.
Mungkin broker yang satu ini sudah menerapkan peraturan dan kebijakan baru perihal hasil repiu yang di kerjakan oleh blogger yang berasal dari Indonesia atau untuk semua blogger, entahlah..
Duhhh... kalo masih nyubie memang susah dapat penghasilan tambahan dari internet, padahal blogsvertise termasuk broker andalanku mencari recehan dollar.
Sampai saat ini aku belum pernah sih kirim e-mail protes ataupun mengirimkan pertanyaan seputar uneg-uneg-ku tersebut mungkin pas kebetulan dapat advertiser yang rese aja kali sehingga hasil repiuku di reject terus. Mungkin temen-temen ada juga yang pernah hal serupa dan sudah dapat solusinya, saya tunggu sharing pengalamannya.
Semoga jobs yang akan datang semakin rame dan seru serta tidak ada lagi penolakan dari admin-nya yang hampir membuat patah semangat (amiiiin...)
Dari mulai si Dana, Marie ataupun si Jill yang sering mengirim e-mail pemberitahuan ada jobs baru dan belakangan ini sering mengirim e-mail penolakan hasil repiu. Pernah satu job ditolak sampai empat kali dengan alasan yang tidak jelas dimana letak kesalahannya. Bayangkan betapa pusingnya jika ditolak sampai empat kali, itu baru satu job belum termasuk job yang lainnya.
Mungkin broker yang satu ini sudah menerapkan peraturan dan kebijakan baru perihal hasil repiu yang di kerjakan oleh blogger yang berasal dari Indonesia atau untuk semua blogger, entahlah..
Duhhh... kalo masih nyubie memang susah dapat penghasilan tambahan dari internet, padahal blogsvertise termasuk broker andalanku mencari recehan dollar.
Sampai saat ini aku belum pernah sih kirim e-mail protes ataupun mengirimkan pertanyaan seputar uneg-uneg-ku tersebut mungkin pas kebetulan dapat advertiser yang rese aja kali sehingga hasil repiuku di reject terus. Mungkin temen-temen ada juga yang pernah hal serupa dan sudah dapat solusinya, saya tunggu sharing pengalamannya.
Semoga jobs yang akan datang semakin rame dan seru serta tidak ada lagi penolakan dari admin-nya yang hampir membuat patah semangat (amiiiin...)
Promote Your Business By Trade Show Displays
For many businesses, a trade show can offer a simple and convenient way to target relevant buyers. When attending a trade show, the greatest challenge can be rising above the visual roar of neighboring booths. You need to convey your message forcefully and effectively in just the few seconds that someone spends walking by your trade show booth. Trade show displays attract attention to a company's services or products. Forms of trade show displays vary in size, style, and cost.
Various types include pop-up displays, banner stands, literature racks, custom exhibits and more. Now, i will talk about custom exhibits,If trade show displays are critical to your business, a custom convention displays might be worth the higher cost. By working with an experienced trade show booth designer, you can create a unique booth that fits your company's strengths. Custom exhibits can include components of any of the other types of displays, as well as freestanding pedestals, stages, workspaces, desks, and more.
Another option for trade show displays is a PowerPoint or similar presentation. The presentation might include product, service, or company details. With the use of a laptop, the presentation can run continuously at your booth or table.
Various types include pop-up displays, banner stands, literature racks, custom exhibits and more. Now, i will talk about custom exhibits,If trade show displays are critical to your business, a custom convention displays might be worth the higher cost. By working with an experienced trade show booth designer, you can create a unique booth that fits your company's strengths. Custom exhibits can include components of any of the other types of displays, as well as freestanding pedestals, stages, workspaces, desks, and more.
Another option for trade show displays is a PowerPoint or similar presentation. The presentation might include product, service, or company details. With the use of a laptop, the presentation can run continuously at your booth or table.
Toko Suami
Sebuah toko yang menjual suami baru saja dibuka di kota New York,dimana wanita dapat memilih suami. Diantara instruksi2 yang ada di pintu masuk terdapat instruksi yang menunjukkan bagaimana aturan main untuk masuk toko tersebut.
"Kamu hanya dapat mengunjungi toko ini SATU KALI"
Toko tersebut terdiri dari 6 lantai dimana setiap lantai akan sebuah calon kelompok suami. Semakin tinggi lantainya, semakin tinggi pula nilai lelaki tersebut.Bagaimanapun ini adalah semacam jebakan. Kamu dapat memilih lelaki di lantai tertentu atau lebih memilih ke lantai berikutnya tetapi dengan syarat tidak bisa turun ke lantai sebelumnya kecuali untuk keluar dari toko..
Lalu, seorang wanita pun pergi ke toko "suami" tersebut untuk mencari suami..
Di lantai 1 terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 1 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan dan taat pada Tuhan
Wanita itu tersenyum, kemudian dia naik ke lantai 2 selanjutnya.
Di lantai 2 terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 2 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, dan senang anak kecil
Kembali wanita itu naik ke lantai selanjutnya.
Di lantai 3 terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 3 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil dan cakep banget.
'' Wow'', tetapi pikirannya masih penasaran dan terus naik.
Lalu sampailah wanita itu di lantai 4 dan terdapat tulisan
Lantai 4 : Lelaki di lantai ini yang memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil, cakep banget dan suka membantu pekerjaan rumah.
"Ya ampun !'' Dia berseru, ''Aku hampir tak percaya''
Dan dia tetap melanjutkan ke lantai 5 dan terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 5 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil,cakep banget,suka membantu pekerjaan rumah, dan memiliki rasa romantis.
Dia tergoda untuk berhenti tapi kemudian dia melangkah kembali ke lantai 6 dan terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 6 : Anda adalah pengunjung yang ke 4.363.012. Tidak ada lelaki di lantai ini.Lantai ini hanya semata-mata bukti untuk wanita yang tidak pernah puas.
Terima kasih telah berbelanja di toko "Suami". Hati-hati ketika keluar toko dan semoga hari yang indah buat anda.
Mohon maaf artikel saya bukan semata-mata untuk mendiskreditkan kaum hawa, hanya sekedar untuk bahan introspeksi diri. Semoga anda tidak termasuk golongan wanita yang tidak pernah puas akan anugerah dan karunia dari Allah SWT.
"Kamu hanya dapat mengunjungi toko ini SATU KALI"
Toko tersebut terdiri dari 6 lantai dimana setiap lantai akan sebuah calon kelompok suami. Semakin tinggi lantainya, semakin tinggi pula nilai lelaki tersebut.Bagaimanapun ini adalah semacam jebakan. Kamu dapat memilih lelaki di lantai tertentu atau lebih memilih ke lantai berikutnya tetapi dengan syarat tidak bisa turun ke lantai sebelumnya kecuali untuk keluar dari toko..
Lalu, seorang wanita pun pergi ke toko "suami" tersebut untuk mencari suami..
Di lantai 1 terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 1 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan dan taat pada Tuhan
Wanita itu tersenyum, kemudian dia naik ke lantai 2 selanjutnya.
Di lantai 2 terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 2 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, dan senang anak kecil
Kembali wanita itu naik ke lantai selanjutnya.
Di lantai 3 terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 3 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil dan cakep banget.
'' Wow'', tetapi pikirannya masih penasaran dan terus naik.
Lalu sampailah wanita itu di lantai 4 dan terdapat tulisan
Lantai 4 : Lelaki di lantai ini yang memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil, cakep banget dan suka membantu pekerjaan rumah.
"Ya ampun !'' Dia berseru, ''Aku hampir tak percaya''
Dan dia tetap melanjutkan ke lantai 5 dan terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 5 : Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil,cakep banget,suka membantu pekerjaan rumah, dan memiliki rasa romantis.
Dia tergoda untuk berhenti tapi kemudian dia melangkah kembali ke lantai 6 dan terdapat tulisan seperti ini :
Lantai 6 : Anda adalah pengunjung yang ke 4.363.012. Tidak ada lelaki di lantai ini.Lantai ini hanya semata-mata bukti untuk wanita yang tidak pernah puas.
Terima kasih telah berbelanja di toko "Suami". Hati-hati ketika keluar toko dan semoga hari yang indah buat anda.
Mohon maaf artikel saya bukan semata-mata untuk mendiskreditkan kaum hawa, hanya sekedar untuk bahan introspeksi diri. Semoga anda tidak termasuk golongan wanita yang tidak pernah puas akan anugerah dan karunia dari Allah SWT.
Shopping From Home
Internet technology never mention about age or profession. Through the Internet there are a variety of activities that people often do, from finding the data, Friendster, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook or blogging. Home shopping online actually is not a new thing, but the benefits of online shopping more convenient and faster. even now there's a terminology that says: time is more valuable than money .
Today as the more wider of internet network, many people used to do shopping online. In this way, makes shopping from home becomes easier.
Usually there are three things people most frequently purchased by online shopping system such as : books, fashion, cosmetics and beauty. But as far as I know there's unlimited kind of item that we will find on internet .
The most interesting of online shooping is you can choose a specific things that you want, for example you only prefer vegetarian food that comes from healty farm, or a clothes that care about green environment, or you want to buy travel package to try a vacation in the world's dreamiest destinations . Anything that you want would served completely in online catalog, you can see size, model, color and of course you can see price and you can compare to another.
Today as the more wider of internet network, many people used to do shopping online. In this way, makes shopping from home becomes easier.
Usually there are three things people most frequently purchased by online shopping system such as : books, fashion, cosmetics and beauty. But as far as I know there's unlimited kind of item that we will find on internet .
The most interesting of online shooping is you can choose a specific things that you want, for example you only prefer vegetarian food that comes from healty farm, or a clothes that care about green environment, or you want to buy travel package to try a vacation in the world's dreamiest destinations . Anything that you want would served completely in online catalog, you can see size, model, color and of course you can see price and you can compare to another.
Holistic Dog Food
Although you may think all pet food manufacturers have your pet’s best interests in mind, this is not always the case as many pet parents are learning from the continued rise in pet food recalls. Current pet food regulations allow manufacturers to use ingredients that you would never knowingly give to your pet. In fact, you may be shocked to learn what some brands of pet food really contain. For example: the use of by-products chemical preservatives (BHA and BHT) and grains that are often difficult to digest (corn, wheat, gluten and soy), which are often used as a protein source instead of meat.
dog owners are increasingly choosing holistic dog food, over the commercially available pet food, in a bid to introduce their dogs to a healthier, more balanced diet. So if healthy dog food is on your to-do list, you must give an extra care for your dogs.
dog owners are increasingly choosing holistic dog food, over the commercially available pet food, in a bid to introduce their dogs to a healthier, more balanced diet. So if healthy dog food is on your to-do list, you must give an extra care for your dogs.
Home Security? Leave it to The Expert
Isn't it a hope for everybody to get sleep well every night knowing that you have done your best to make your home and your family secure. There are many products and services that offers a better security system to home owners, but make sure you also do your research before making any decisions! Most home owners know someone who has been broken into, so it’s worth investing your time and money before the inevitable happens.
It's better prevent than to repair... am sure that we agree about that.There's a simple action we can do at least to prevent criminal enter your property, such as Laying a gravel path or drive makes a lot of noise when someone walked on. Even small precautions can help reduce being a victim of crime. Leaving the lights, TV or radio on, possibly using a timer will also give the impression that someone’s home.Add a few security lights and the burglars will soon be put off. If you have a garden wall or fence, you could paint it with anti-climb paint.
Invest in a Home security system could protecting your property through a 24 hour alarm monitoring station, having an alarm can also lower your insurance premiums. It’s worth getting professional advice about this to ensure you’re choosing the right technology for your home and lifestyle, you can try ADT security system, because ADT home protection packages are very stumpy when paralleled to the others. Provider of electronic security services in the world, securing over six million commercial, federal and residential customers throughout North America.
It's better prevent than to repair... am sure that we agree about that.There's a simple action we can do at least to prevent criminal enter your property, such as Laying a gravel path or drive makes a lot of noise when someone walked on. Even small precautions can help reduce being a victim of crime. Leaving the lights, TV or radio on, possibly using a timer will also give the impression that someone’s home.Add a few security lights and the burglars will soon be put off. If you have a garden wall or fence, you could paint it with anti-climb paint.
Invest in a Home security system could protecting your property through a 24 hour alarm monitoring station, having an alarm can also lower your insurance premiums. It’s worth getting professional advice about this to ensure you’re choosing the right technology for your home and lifestyle, you can try ADT security system, because ADT home protection packages are very stumpy when paralleled to the others. Provider of electronic security services in the world, securing over six million commercial, federal and residential customers throughout North America.
USA Online Casinos
There are many sites provide information about online casinos, but not all casinos accept USA Players. As an American-based gambler, it can be a challenge to find online casinos that welcome US players. For many American, playing casino is not only for fun but also for killing the time and earning money. That is why they like going to many casino gambling places in their cities. Besides playing in many traditional casino places, they can also play in many online casinos sites available in the internet.
There are many sites provide information about online casinos, but if you search for reviews that really trusted about usa online casinos, I recommended you to visit . Once you visit this web site, you will see many online casino accepting USA players, such as; Golden Casino, Millionaire, Rushmore, Cherry Red, Aladdin's Gold and many more. The list of the casino is also completed with bonus, software, review and Currency.
Online gambling forums, casino guides and personal blogs of casino players can also be helpful in selecting some of the best USA Online Casinos. By visiting and knowing online casinos that accept USA players, you will be able to choose the usa internet casino the right for you. so, don't miss it.
There are many sites provide information about online casinos, but if you search for reviews that really trusted about usa online casinos, I recommended you to visit http://www.
Online gambling forums, casino guides and personal blogs of casino players can also be helpful in selecting some of the best USA Online Casinos. By visiting and knowing online casinos that accept USA players, you will be able to choose the usa internet casino the right for you. so, don't miss it.
Paypal Casino
Playing online casinos games is fun, Do you ever try to play slot? can you play this game? At best slot machine casinos you can learn the technic in a few simple steps, playing fun and exciting slot machines casino games from the convenience of your own personal computer. have a lot of variety games you can bet your money in many recommended Slot Machines Casinos games such as :Golden Casino, Super Slots, Platinum Play, Villento Las Vegas, Roxy Palace and more.
On the site, you will be able to download free software that will allow you to play great casino games from the comfort of your home. Once you sign up for the service, you will be able to download the software. This software will then allow you to play slots, blackjack, roulette, and other popular casino style games.
Paypal is the worlds largest online payment processor and has over 110 Million accounts worldwide. Unfortunately using PayPal with casino or poker account directly is impossible, because of the strict PayPal policy. PayPal does not transfer money to any gambling oriented businesses, including online casinos, poker rooms and sports betting. Don't worry guys.. If paypal casino can not be used to fund casino account directly, just visit you can find solution to make deposits and withdrawals into your casino accounts. there are many newer and much better ways as an alternative payment methods for funding and withdrawing your winnings.
On the site, you will be able to download free software that will allow you to play great casino games from the comfort of your home. Once you sign up for the service, you will be able to download the software. This software will then allow you to play slots, blackjack, roulette, and other popular casino style games.
Paypal is the worlds largest online payment processor and has over 110 Million accounts worldwide. Unfortunately using PayPal with casino or poker account directly is impossible, because of the strict PayPal policy. PayPal does not transfer money to any gambling oriented businesses, including online casinos, poker rooms and sports betting. Don't worry guys.. If paypal casino can not be used to fund casino account directly, just visit you can find solution to make deposits and withdrawals into your casino accounts. there are many newer and much better ways as an alternative payment methods for funding and withdrawing your winnings.
Worried about tax and accounting?
The word of Accounting mean the process of collecting, summarizing and analyzing the organization's financial data. Every business must prioritize their accounts to ensure revenue and expenditure management worked well. Failure in its application could lead to failure in your business.
There are two ways of managing your business: chartered accounting firm or using accounting software and manage themselves. Many people are concerned with the calculation and taxes, so they prefer to hire an accountant to do all the work, but is only suitable for some people, but not for everybody. By hiring an accountant will require not small amount of money, depending on the size of your business and the amount of financial data are made.
If you're just starting a business, you can gather all the information and hire an accountant or tax accountants once a year. Most accountants work with a count per hour, depending on how long it takes to work at your place, then the long hours that you should pay for them. If you keep all receipts and invoices with consecutive dates, you can minimize the cost accountants.
Recently the more businesses are using accounting software because the price of hiring an accountant can be increased substantially. There are many types of accounting software for small and large businesses as well as many different types of businesses.
There are two ways of managing your business: chartered accounting firm or using accounting software and manage themselves. Many people are concerned with the calculation and taxes, so they prefer to hire an accountant to do all the work, but is only suitable for some people, but not for everybody. By hiring an accountant will require not small amount of money, depending on the size of your business and the amount of financial data are made.
If you're just starting a business, you can gather all the information and hire an accountant or tax accountants once a year. Most accountants work with a count per hour, depending on how long it takes to work at your place, then the long hours that you should pay for them. If you keep all receipts and invoices with consecutive dates, you can minimize the cost accountants.
Recently the more businesses are using accounting software because the price of hiring an accountant can be increased substantially. There are many types of accounting software for small and large businesses as well as many different types of businesses.
Semesta Bertakbir Menyambut Hari Kemenangan
Seiring hembusan angin dan gemericik hujan, umat Muslim di seluruh penjuru dunia mengumandangkan takbir mengawali datangnya Hari Kemenangan 1 Syawal 14 30 Hijriah dan sekaligus melepas kepergian bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkah,Rahmat dan ampunan. Semestapun betakbir mengumandangkan AsmaMu ya Allah SWT, mengagungkan kebesaranMu ya Rabb.... memuji dengan segala kebesaranMu.
Disaat inipun aku sedang sedih mengenang ibuku yang telah berpulang keharibanMu ya Rabb, teringat masa-masa indah dulu bersama ibuku tercinta melewati lebaran bersama. Semoga ibuku berbahagia dalam kasih sayangMu ya Rabb.
Alhamdulillah Hari Lebaran tahun 2009 ini tidak ada perselisihan untuk menentukan kapan datangnya 1 syawal yang dinanti. Sidang itsbat MUI telah memutuskan 1 syawal jatuh pada hari minggu 20 September 2009 begitupun dengan ormas Islam yang ada di Indonesia telah menyepakati keputusan tersebut. Semoga tidak ada lagi perselisihan di tahun-tahun mendatang.
Sesungguhnya sedih rasanya melepas kepergian bulan Ramadhan disaat hati mulai terbiasa dengan didikan untuk melawan hawa nafsu dan disaat ibadah sudah menjadi kebutuhan engkau telah berlalu meninggalkan kami semua yang masih merindukanmu. sebagaimana Nabi SAW pernah berkata yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Mas'ud Al Ghifari radhiyallohu anhu :
Disaat inipun aku sedang sedih mengenang ibuku yang telah berpulang keharibanMu ya Rabb, teringat masa-masa indah dulu bersama ibuku tercinta melewati lebaran bersama. Semoga ibuku berbahagia dalam kasih sayangMu ya Rabb.
Alhamdulillah Hari Lebaran tahun 2009 ini tidak ada perselisihan untuk menentukan kapan datangnya 1 syawal yang dinanti. Sidang itsbat MUI telah memutuskan 1 syawal jatuh pada hari minggu 20 September 2009 begitupun dengan ormas Islam yang ada di Indonesia telah menyepakati keputusan tersebut. Semoga tidak ada lagi perselisihan di tahun-tahun mendatang.
Sesungguhnya sedih rasanya melepas kepergian bulan Ramadhan disaat hati mulai terbiasa dengan didikan untuk melawan hawa nafsu dan disaat ibadah sudah menjadi kebutuhan engkau telah berlalu meninggalkan kami semua yang masih merindukanmu. sebagaimana Nabi SAW pernah berkata yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Mas'ud Al Ghifari radhiyallohu anhu :
Seandainya para hamba mengetahui apa (hakikat) bulan Ramadhan maka tentu ummatku menginginkan Ramadhan itu sepanjang tahun,…sesungguhnya surga berhias untuk bulan Ramadhan di setiap penghujung tahun ke tahun berikutnya ….."
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