Hitting The Links with Golf

Golfing is in my blood. I spend countless hours out on the links. I also spend countless hours watching golf on satellite cable tv in Columbus. Nothing better than a Sunday afternoon with a beer in my hand, chips in a bowl, and golf on my big screen. Every winter I get grouchy while waiting for spring to roll around, and if I can’t get out and play a round of golf, at least I can watch it. The young golfers coming up now are some of the best out there, but my favorite player to watch is big John Daly. Although he has had his fair share of mishaps and life missteps, watching him hit those 300 plus yard drives is amazing. Rookie of the year and Player of the year are just some of his achievements and I am always rooting for him to get it going again. He’s still young and has a long career ahead of him with golf giants to lead the way.