As much as I use PowerPoint and Excel to make a point, I still think it is a good idea to know how to use a paper napkin or a white board. There is something almost magical in that kind of performance because it is personal, almost intimate, especially when you are dealing with professional sales people. If you are too cool to draw a picture, there are a lot of people you are going to miss. Lest we forget, for many people it is still an analogue world.
One of my clients was a digitally inclined auto dealer who employed 10 to 14 sales people. Automotive sales forces are of a variable nature because they tend to have a 30% attrition rate. It’s not for everyone. The client faced two major problems in sales. Basically, he hated his sales people and they hated him in return. It was a digital divide. The other problem was pricing. The client discounted vehicles below break-even and posted them on the Internet. Sales did not know about it but their computer savvy customers did.

It didn’t help that the client had been through a Dale Carnegie sales training program. His framed certificate of training made him conclude that that he was a great salesperson. Unfortunately, he sucked air as a sales person. He genuinely lacked people skills. He did not know how to listen to prospects. That made him impatient with them. Nor could he understand how people refused to follow his robotic and raced through presentations. It did not help that the client told his sales people that they didn’t know what they were doing, which he did.
One thing that self-described great sales people like auto dealers have in common is that they are marks. They are called “lay-downs.” They will buy anything. They have no sales resistance. Because they are such great sales people, they overcome their own objections. They are especially vulnerable to the bane of all professional sales people existence called “Susie Sales Girl,” who is the willowy well-heeled blond who sells sales seminars, full-page color newspaper ads, websites, bus advertising that forgets to include the dealership phone number on a 30 vehicle fleet, novelty pens, and enough balloons and helium for the Macy’s Parade. When they sell computer hardware and software, clients can’t write a check quickly enough.

Dealers are not the only people who get sold hardware and software. Many business owners buy into the idea that software by itself can solve everything, or at least that it should. It is the using of the software, along with everything that implies that can be problematic after the sale. The biggest after sale problems are technical support and user training. Support and training are rarely onetime events but tend to be treated as if they were. However, when such a tool as a complex computer application cannot be used, the hardware might as well be a boat anchor. Except for sailors who just bought a new boat, no one wants to admit they bought a boat anchor for their business.
My client had purchased 10 boat anchors as well as a jumbo monitor for the conference room, where he routinely put his sales crew to sleep with PowerPoint presentations and webinars. That created a hate-hate relationship enhanced by technology.
Organization integrity was the management issue in this case. As an owner, the client had assumed to position of General Manager and Sales Manager. He employed a Service Manager, Finance Manager, Parts Manager, an Office Manager, a Personnel Manager and a Facilities Manager. But in those positions they had no one to report to because the owner was so busy in his area of least competence. So those managers were more or less on their own. The organizations’ lines of communication atrophied and business suffered as a result.

To do that required me putting a white board in my office so that my department managers and I could draw on them. It did not require telling them what I was doing as much as just doing it and getting them used to doing it. Together, we used the analogue tool to hash out what we wanted the digital tool to do for them. With time the managers began to own their Excel spreadsheets and use them in their reporting, as opposed to shoving programs down their proverbial throats. It also helped to supplant the jumbo screen with a jumbo white board and to make sales meetings more interactive. I replaced emitted light with reflected light. No one got sleepy.
Even the owner succumbed to something as simple and analogue as me writing on a cocktail napkin to demonstrate the difference between mark-up and gross margin pricing. I succeeded in showing him that MSRP (Manufacture Suggested Retail Price) was not a markup but a margin above the break-even point. All of the overhead costs involved in selling a vehicle, including the helium and balloons, were absorbed plus adding a gross margin. When I showed him how a mark-up price of a vehicle over invoice left money on the table, I got his attention. When he saw that discounting a price below his break-even cost him money, he picked up the napkin and put it in his pocket. The next day he showed me a pricing spreadsheet he created from the napkin. He still has it.
If there is a moral to this story, it is that how you get your message across is not important. Getting the message across is. The sales people took ownership of their workstations to increase their personal sales and quit resenting sitting in front of a monitor. The dealership quit leaving money on the table by pricing and discounting correctly. People developed new routines for a new General Manager to oversee. Whether or not those folks lived happily ever after I cannot say. What I can say is that software does not solve everything. People do. It is just that sometimes you have to draw a picture with them.